In the midst of the beginning of my last semester of my undergraduate career, I have chosen to become a healthier hawk. Just last week I went to the Campus Recreation and Wellness-Center, otherwise known as “The Rec.” Prior to my arrival I looked up their group exercise class schedule to find Zumba classes.
I put on my snow boots, threw my new hard-earned Nike tennis shoes in my bag, grabbed a Gatorade and went out to brave the cold. I was motivated. Today was the day I was going to start working out again. I walked to the Rec Center, only about a 7 minute walk from my apartment. I got to the Check-in desk only to discover I accidentally left my I.D. at home. Luckily they have a process in place to help forgetful people like myself, but you can only use the temporary pass twice a semester. So I was already off to a rough start, but I wasn’t going to let that get me down. Behind the check-in counter, I began flipping through the class sign up binder. I had arrived ten minutes before the late evening Zumba class, only to be told that the class was already full! Jeeesh
At this point I felt my motivation drain from my muscles, and I started thinking about how amazing my bed and a book would be instead of this gym atmosphere. BUT NO! I had to stay, I had to at least run on a treadmill, do the StairMaster, and a short ab workout. I owed it to myself. I went to the third floor, found some old friends, talked for about ten minutes, and then found my way to my machine. I sanitized it, figured out what music I wanted to listen to, and finally I began my workout. Half way through my 30 min cardio the fire alarm went off.
I was never informed what exactly caused the fire alarm to sound, I imagine it was an accident since I assume flames in the Rec Center would cause a headline of some sort. The fire alarm alone was the ultimate sign that I was not meant to work out that day.
It’s been 7 days and I haven’t been back, I wonder when my motivation will return…