I can’t be the only one.
A couple of weeks ago, I walked into class and my professor began going on and on about this book. I remember being excited about the content and looking forward to reading it. My mood quickly shifted when we moved into the discussion part of the class, and the professor started calling out names of students asking them to elaborate on key concepts, key words, and their opinions of the case studies within the text. Oops! I have no idea how I could have missed an assignment like reading an entire book!
To my defense I wasn’t the only one. The entire class appeared to be on the struggle bus trying to embellish empty opinions and with assumed related content in hopes of appearing to have some knowledge of what happened in this book. Some of us were successful, but most of us failed. Our professor saw right through it.
Personally I think the professor could have given us a “heads up” so to speak, maybe a couple weeks before. Then again, maybe our professor did and it was said that one time I was late to class. (I know… I know… I sound like a horrible student forgetting assignments, and showing up late, but I promise its not the norm)
Either way now I have two days to read a book and write a paper on it. Words of wisdom for you young ones out there… you never get too old to read your syllabus.
#RevisitTheSyllabai #ItWasOnTheSyllabus #ThankGodForChegg