Alright so everybody knows that the Hawkeyes are AMAZING! So it shouldn’t come to any body’s surprise that I can’t sleep because I am so excited to experience my first live Hawk Game! Why am I so pumped, especially because I’ve never watched an entire Hawkeye football game in my life? Well, it’s kind of one of those situations/emotions that are “comprehension based on experience” type of things.
But … I will try and give it a whirl.
So you get your acceptance letter talking a bunch of stuff about being a Hawk and you’re like, “okay cool.”
Then you start getting all this cool mail, that is saying stuff like Dear Fellow Hawkeye or Go Hawks, and it makes you start to wonder.
So you ask yourself, “Self?” and then your self says
“What in the James’ Giant Peach does it mean to be a Hawk?”
So then you’re all confused and excited at the same time, once orientation comes rolling around. You meet new people, learn about a bunch of activities that you can’t wait to join, and you get overwhelmed by the size of the campus. Aside from all that, people are talking all kinds of slang that you can’t wrap your head around. Instead of using the expression “that’s great!” people are saying “Go Hawks!” People are passing by you enunciating all kinds of acronyms and unfamiliar terms; such as IMU, Cambus, ITS, ISIS, U Bill, etc. What’s next? You notice all these good looking people stuntin’ around in their Gold and Black! And then it HITS you like a ton of bricks! Wow, all these Hot Bods in their Gold n Black speaking their own Language are all students/faculty of the University of Iowa.
**This is the part where you really get excited**
So when football season comes along, everyone really unites. Everyone on campus is really excited about one thing.
Well, I give up… I can’t explain it to you. Maybe I will try again next week! Its just really awesome!