On Iowa!
It’s been a few days since my last blog, for no other reason than that I have been so busy, so bear with me if this is a little longer than usual. I have now completed all my Orientation classes – I’ve had talks on subjects such as how to avoid/deal with the police (obvious – duck and cover or state your right to remain silent. I’ve seen the TV shows. I know how these things go down), how to access and make use of the counseling facilities, how to use the health care services, and what immunizations are required (all of them). It’s been a lot to take in especially in such a short space of time. there have been a lot of details that I have needed to take care of that I didn’t even consider when I arrived – such as Health Insurance waiver forms, dealing with being charged too much on my Uni Bill, and organising a Turbculosis screening (there better not be any more needles, I can’t be doing with anymore needles). I have explored the library a little in preparation for classes (not lectures as I am inclined to call them). The library itself is very modern and comfortable, and I have already picked out a squishy armchair by the window on the ground floor that will be my place to retreat to when I have breaks between lectures to do all my readings – if you’re in Iowa I am trusting you not to nick my seat, I have trusted you by divulging its location. I haven’t yet found my study spot for writing essays but there is still a lot more library to explore so I have no doubt I’ll stumble across the perfect place soon. My time has not been completely dominated by serious matters. I have also been able to experience the lighter and more fun side of American University.
On Thursday evening I went to see the Hypnotist, Erik Kand, at the Iowa Memorial Union with some girls from my floor. I was very skeptical about the whole thing, because rationally how could someone control another person like a puppet by simply telling them to go to sleep. I was completely shocked and amazed by what I saw. The students on stage were completely under his spell; three girls were fighting it out because they believed Zac Efron was on the phone (in actuality they were talking into their left shoes) to all three of them at the same time, one student was trying to flirt with a police officer to get out of a speeding ticket she’d received while driving her sports car, the guys were convinced that their chairs had electric shocks in the seat and one of them flat out refused to sit down again. Towards the end, they were all convinced they were giant dancing chickens. It was so clever and I have no clue how it was possible. Following the show, there was a massive surge to get on buses to go to the Target Takeover – an after-hours shopping trip just for students. I came home with fistfuls of bags around 1am, utterly exhausted, very happy and with a lot less cash in my purse.
- Kinnick Stadium
- Crowd Surfing Herky
- Part of the I
- Fireworks at Kinnick
On Friday I had my final International Student meeting about visas, traveling, rights etc., followed by an Academic Success talk from a panel of students and staff. Both were very useful but they were not the events that I was most excited about. Friday meant it was Kickoff at Kinnick day. Every student had been assigned a team colour – mine was green – and we met up with our groups to get to know people and ask questions about Iowa and the University to someone who actually had experienced everything. I had a brilliant group leader – Sara- who kept us talking and smiling even when we were reluctant to join in and possibly embarrass ourselves. She was the one who led us all to the Kinnick Football Stadium for the event we had all been waiting for, a party on the pitch! (or field as I have been advised to call it). I was surprised to find that it wasn’t real grass. I don’t know why I thought it would be as everything seems to be made of 3G nowadays. It was a wonderful event though. The entire class of 2018 made a giant I on the field, there were fireworks, we learnt the fight song, there was a DJ, we had talks from some of the sports coaches and the cheerleaders performed some incredible routines. It was a really fun and memorable thing to do. I will never forget it. I also went to the Bingo that night at the IMU and was lucky enough to be a winner. I am now the proud owner of a very fetching key ring and some Iowa pencils.
Saturday gave us the opportunity to meet up with our small groups again, we played Heads Up, ate sweets (sorry, candy) and talked more. In the afternoon, Sara escorted us to the IMU where we had free rein to wander around the Student Organization fair and sign up for things. There are over 500 student organizations, catering for all interests. I signed up for Ballroom and Latin Dancing, the Photography Club, the Dance Marathon event, the Campus Activities Board, and the Editorial on Campus group who visit magazine publishers amongst other things. In the evening we attended an event called the Passport Project which was like a variety show compiled by students of the University. A writer read his letters to Maury (the American equivalent of Jeremy Kyle) which was very funny and a bit sad as well. The Swing Dance Society showed us the Shim Sham, there was a Clarinettist who gave us his own musical stylings, another student explained her ground breaking research and the finale was the Men’s Gymnastics Team who put on a very lovely performance – I can neither confirm nor deny that every female in the room (and a few males) had their phones out recording or photographing the final act. I can also neither confirm nor deny that I was one of those people.
Sunday meant the end of On Iowa. The majority of the Freshman class gathered in the shaded areas of the Pentacrest for Convocation, where we gave our pledge to the President, Sally Mason, to be loyal, hardworking and caring students for the duration of our time in Iowa. We received a golden tassel similar to the one that will be handed out to put on caps for the Graduation Ceremony, in order to inspire and motivate us to achieve that next tassel. On Iowa wrapped up with the President’s Block Party outside the President’s house. There were banners and Chinese lanterns swinging from the trees above and music from the marching band and a DJ, the dance marathon people were there busting moves until the cheerleaders took over, there were stalls handing out freebies, a large mobile museum exhibit to explore, Herky the Hawk posing for photographs, hot food and ice cream sandwiches were available and President Sally Mason was Ice Bucketed. It was quite a party, but the time for partying is over now. I think I’m finally ready to go back to school.
- The Deans arriving at Convocation
- Partying at the President’s Block Party