Know the feeling you get after conquering something you thought you never had a chance against? Like at the end of most action movies, where the protagonist is sitting outside the ambulance, a bandage on his arm where he was shot during countless shootouts/chase sequences, and he’s totally chill talking to the commissioner or something? I’m buzzing on that feeling right now.
Obviously, I haven’t been shot or shot at, I haven’t faced any real physical danger at all.
My midterm sequence is all done.
It is quite the relief. No more four hour nights (I’m too much of a sissy to pull all-nighters, it’s never worth it), no more coffee overdoses, and no more stressing over the fact that I should have tried harder the first half of the semester. It is done amigos.
Despite my content and nostalgia over my accomplishments, it’s probably time to set some goals for this next half-semester.
No more putting off studying, missing homework assignments, waiting until the night before, skipping classes, not talking to professors, not studying a little bit every night, abusing caffeine to fix my mistakes, pretending watching MythBusters on Netflix is learning, staring at the wall, consistent late nights, SparkNoting, starting my homework time with the easiest assignment, making excuses to get Froyo/Starbucks/Candy, Tweeting about the election and then analyzing the retweets for an hour, taking a 1:1 study time/break time ratio, planning next semester/month/week/day instead of doing my work, daydreaming, kite flying for 2 hours at a time, tandem bicycling all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge-then over it, watching Arthur because it’s “important” to revisit my childhood the 2 nights before a paper is due, finding excuses to make things I’m not going to eat, rationalizing my bad diet with stress, not exercising, talking to my fish, complaining even though I know the lack of effort is my fault, and wishing Facebook would go away on its own.
There, that’s everything…
Although…I haven’t really wasted my time on Netflix in a while…
Maybe I’ll start tomorrow.