

Hallows Ween

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Halloween is upon us, and it’s important to get the most that you can out of the event. Now, while it’s key to dress up like your career aspirations (I’m surprised by the number of girls that want to be police officers, nurses, and bumblebees!), there are other steps you should take to maximize the holiday before you get old…and have to give actual kids candy.

  1. Go trick-or-treating. Obviously. There’s a lot of residential area in Iowa City, Corralville and Cedar Rapids. If you’re feeling up to it, there’s no funner a way to earn a bag full of candy…and make people roll their eyes!
  2. Get to a haunted house. Yes, you’ll know it’s fake. Yes, you’ll feel like you wasted 20 bucks walking through a barn (a normal part of Iowa culture), but you’ll get to tweet about it and Instagram every cheesy moment. Plus! You’ll get to feel brains in a bowl (I didn’t know brains were so much like spaghetti! Yum!)
  3. Watch a scary movie and get scared. Get scared to the point where it throws off your sleep schedule. There are so many “Paranormal Activity” movies out, they’re like “Normal Activity” for me. I’ll be watching anything with Chucky in it. I watched that movie when I was 8 and that stuff sticks…
  4. Carve a pumpkin. Make art out of it. When else is it culturally acceptable to butcher bad tasting vegetables? (Is pumpkin a vegetable? Nope…it’s a fruit…either way, now’s the time when it’s O.K. to play with your food…are pumpkins really food?).


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