I have a double degree in Japanese and undeclared Business with a minor in Spanish.
What does that mean? Well, a double degree is very similar to a double major, however Japanese and a Business degree belong to two separate colleges; so they call it double degree. My business major is undeclared because I don’t know what part of business I want as my emphasis. I believe some of the options are Economics, Marketing, and Finance. I am in Japanese because I traveled there a couple of times when I was in high school and I would simply love to communicate with my friends and family there. Also, I could see how learning another language would benefit me in any career.
Although that’s what I have declared, I am open to a change of plans. 🙂 I am only a freshman and I know I have time to figure out exactly what I want to do the first couple of months I am out of college (then after that- I am open to a change of plans again 😉
There are a couple of certificates that I have my eye on!
International Business
I can’t wait to talk with my academic advisor about them! Every student is assigned an academic advisor, and I just happen to love mine! Me and my best friend have the same advisor, and we often get into “arguments” on who my advisor likes better. 🙂 She responds quickly to all my questions and has one of the most relaxing offices I’ve ever been in! On top of that, she takes the time to get to know me, remembers who I am, and sends me emails about events that she thinks I’d be interested in. I am not sure if all advisors are required to do that, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she goes above and beyond what is qualified. Shell, my advisor, always tells me something thought provoking and leaves me pondering the things I want in life. GOTTA LOVE IT 😀
A lot of my friends have had this success with their advisors, however, I don’t think they can top mine! But then again, it could be like the whole Panchero vs Chipotle Feud (You’ll learn about that when you come!) or the Bestest Dorm Spiel! Everyone always thinks their residence hall is better than someone else… give it a rest PEOPLE! Mayflower is definitely the coolest! haha 🙂