Hey Guys!!!

Long time no talk!

This summer just keeps getting crazier for me! Tonight was my first night of my online class Entrepreneurship & Innovation…. it was very interesting to say the least!

Right now I am in a dorm, working as an RA (the ‘lazy’ way of saying Resident Assistant) for an amazing program called Upward Bound! I am currently in Burlington, and Iowa this program has some really amazing kids this year. The majority of them are in the lobby area together playing the Wii game called Just Dance———> SOOO FUNNN!

To learn more about Upward Bound and other TRIO programs check out these links below!




I will try and keep you updated about my summer school experience!

In the meantime, if you have any question about being an incoming freshman…. write me a comment, I want to hear from you!

Students Abolishing Slavery

I am a co-founder of a new student group on campus called Students Abolishing Slavery (SAS), which believes that ending modern-day slavery is a feasible task and one that we delegate to ourselves as a duty of students at The University of Iowa.

To learn more about SAS, follow us on Twitter @IowaSAS, or email us at iowa.sas1@gmail.com if you want find out how you can get involved. We are open to collaboration with other student orgs as well! 🙂 ”

Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Study Buddy

So I find that I study Spanish a lot better when I study alone at a table by myself, or with one other student in the same subject. If I have any other circumstances, I definitely don’t get a lot of work done. 🙁

Yesterday, my suitee Michelle and I couldn’t find a good place to study because everywhere was packed with people studying! There were people all over the lawn of the Pentacrest multi-tasking! People were getting their TAN ON while reading their text books!

Michelle and I ended up going to the Old Capital Mall and studying at the little tables meant for dining next to the escalators! We studied for like 2-3 hours and we got a lot done! HIVE FIVE MICHELLE! 😀

Major. Minor. Degree. Certificate.

I have a double degree in Japanese and undeclared Business with a minor in Spanish.

What does that mean? Well, a double degree is very similar to a double major, however Japanese and a Business degree belong to two separate colleges; so they call it double degree. My business major is undeclared because I don’t know what part of business I want as my emphasis. I believe some of the options are Economics, Marketing, and Finance. I am in Japanese because I traveled there a couple of times when I was in high school and I would simply love to communicate with my friends and family there. Also, I could see how learning another language would benefit me in any career.

Although that’s what I have declared, I am open to a change of plans. 🙂 I am only a freshman and I know I have time to figure out exactly what I want to do the first couple of months I am out of college (then after that- I am open to a change of plans again 😉

There are a couple of certificates that I have my eye on!


International Business

I can’t wait to talk with my academic advisor about them! Every student is assigned an academic advisor, and I just happen to love mine! Me and my best friend have the same advisor, and we often get into “arguments” on who my advisor likes better. 🙂 She responds quickly to all my questions and has one of the most relaxing offices I’ve ever been in! On top of that, she takes the time to get to know me, remembers who I am, and sends me emails about events that she thinks I’d be interested in. I am not sure if all advisors are required to do that, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she goes above and beyond what is qualified. Shell, my advisor, always tells me something thought provoking and leaves me pondering the things I want in life. GOTTA LOVE IT 😀

A lot of my friends have had this success with their advisors, however, I don’t think they can top mine! But then again, it could be like the whole Panchero vs Chipotle Feud (You’ll learn about that when you come!) or the Bestest Dorm Spiel! Everyone always thinks their residence hall is better than someone else… give it a rest PEOPLE! Mayflower is definitely the coolest! haha 🙂


Check out the new Iowa edge website!


Check out all the mentors (including me!)

If you have been following me you already know that I participated in Iowa Edge and that it really put the most beneficial spin on a jumpstart to my career at The University of Iowa.

The University of Iowa is an exciting place—full of academic, cultural, and social opportunities. Yet, attending a large university can be overwhelming and a little intimidating.

Many students have found that programs like The Iowa Edge eased their concerns and ensured a successful transition to university life. The Iowa Edge, August 15-18, 2011, is an exciting program for African American, American Indian, Asian American, Latino/a, and first-generation college students.

Participate in The Iowa Edge and:

  • Meet students and campus leaders who will support you during your college experience
  • Enjoy specialized campus tours and get familiar with campus life before the semester begins
  • Develop leadership skills for success in class, on campus, and in life

The Iowa Edge is your personalized introduction to campus. On the first day of class, you’ll feel like a seasoned pro—not a lost first-year student. Move in early at no charge. Lodging, meals and program expenses for all participants are paid by a grant from the Kevin and Donna Gruneich Charitable Foundation.

-Iowa Edge Website

Register Now!

Iowa Andhi

Here is a picture of my dance team!

We have just done our last performance at Relay for Life and I honestly almost cried. It has been a great year with these girls and I look forward to the memories that next year will bring!


Here are some videos that I made a couple of weeks ago! 🙂

I took three different takes… and I was going to choose which one I liked the best-

However, I found that difficult to do.

So you all have the opportunity to enjoy all 3 videos of my walk to the Theater building! 😀




I Said a Hip Hop the Hippie the Hippie 2 the Hip Hip Hop & Ya Don’t Stop

Hip Hop class was a real workout today!

I had so much fun, we were learning the hip hop style of House dance!

The instructor Lovar D Kidd holds a lot of knowledge about all the various aspects of dance. In class we learned a little bit about the history of different styles and moves, then we practice technique, and lastly learn a short routine.

So far we covered: Lyrical/Smooth Hip Hop, Contemporary, Locking and House!

It is a nice stress reliever and it’s pretty cool…like ICE ICE BABY!!

haha…cheesy right?

I had to do it….lol