I just thought I’d share that I had an amazing time at the FREE HelloGoodbye Concert! 🙂 Put on by University of Iowa’s CAB.
Did I mention …
I just thought I’d share that I had an amazing time at the FREE HelloGoodbye Concert! 🙂 Put on by University of Iowa’s CAB.
Did I mention …
I had an interesting first couple of attempts to try and get into the game.
Other than that, it was pretty amazing!
The Band… 🙂
Sorry about the sound quality!
And In Between time… Get Yo Jam ON! 😀
The Currier Multipurpose Room (MPR)….Lovin’ It!
-Thanks Brandon!
I had an AMAZING TIME during my first academic week here on campus.
It was never difficult for me and my friends to find something to do, something to eat, or somewhere to go.
Welcome Week was August 21- August 29th and included comedians, hypnotist, a block party, tons of free food, and a special shopping event at target.
Sand Castle Contest!
Greek BBQ …free food 🙂
Unfortunately I showed up 10 mins till it was over, however, I still had fun and got a bunch of free stuff!
President’s Block Party! Dance Marathon & School Spirit!
Drag Show
Okay, so there hasn’t been very many occasions that forced me to wish that I were 21 years old. Well, I guess there has been a few…
Come On, Come On, I am talking about the time that this club downtown was having a salsa night! I LOVE TO DANCE-Get yo’ minds outta tha gutta!
However, I am definitely wishing (really hard) that I turn 21 in the next couple of hours so that I can go on a date with Herky.
You know that 47 Things To Do At Iowa list?
47 Things To Do At Iowa
Yea, well, mine is 48…. the 48th one is to go on a date with Herky! 🙂
So Herky, if you are reading this, Call me 😀
Me and my SUITEES1 decided to have a study night together, and we also decided we needed some music. When I headed down the hall, there was a dorm door wide open and I saw Lenny and Eric in their rooms.  Eric was on his laptop, and Lenny was holding his guitar.
Before you know it, he’s in our dorm playing beautifully while we do our homework!
You gotta love Mayflower!
1: Suitees: n, the two people who live on the other side of the shared bathroom and kitchen in a Mayflower suite. (e.g. Kyra’s suitees are Kristina and Michelle)
Alright so everybody knows that the Hawkeyes are AMAZING! So it shouldn’t come to any body’s surprise that I can’t sleep because I am so excited to experience my first live Hawk Game! Why am I so pumped, especially because I’ve never watched an entire Hawkeye football game in my life? Well, it’s kind of one of those situations/emotions that are “comprehension based on experience” type of things.
But … I will try and give it a whirl.
So you get your acceptance letter talking a bunch of stuff about being a Hawk and you’re like, “okay cool.”
Then you start getting all this cool mail, that is saying stuff like Dear Fellow Hawkeye or Go Hawks, and it makes you start to wonder.
So you ask yourself, “Self?” and then your self says
“What in the James’ Giant Peach does it mean to be a Hawk?”
So then you’re all confused and excited at the same time, once orientation comes rolling around. You meet new people, learn about a bunch of activities that you can’t wait to join, and you get overwhelmed by the size of the campus. Aside from all that, people are talking all kinds of slang that you can’t wrap your head around. Instead of using the expression “that’s great!” people are saying “Go Hawks!” People are passing by you enunciating all kinds of acronyms and unfamiliar terms; such as IMU, Cambus, ITS, ISIS, U Bill, etc. What’s next? You notice all these good looking people stuntin’ around in their Gold and Black! And then it HITS you like a ton of bricks! Wow, all these Hot Bods in their Gold n Black speaking their own Language are all students/faculty of the University of Iowa.
**This is the part where you really get excited**
So when football season comes along, everyone really unites. Everyone on campus is really excited about one thing.
Well, I give up… I can’t explain it to you. Maybe I will try again next week! Its just really awesome!
It is the 3rd week of classes and I still continue to see the benefits of the program that I joined at the end of the summer. I had the honor to participate in a Iowa Edge, a week long program created to ease concerns and ensure a successful transition to life at the university. I have found that I have much more knowledge of different campus resources, directions and locations, and on what to expect in college level classes than a lot of incoming freshman. The website for Iowa Edge is http://provost.uiowa.edu/edge/
The decision to apply to be in Iowa Edge has been one of my most important decisions I’ve made. Because of Iowa Edge I started the school year with at least fifteen promising friends. I continue to stay in contact with majority of those friends and I can always spot a familiar face almost everywhere on campus.
We had the opp0ortunity of meeting many professors, listening to their advice, and really just getting to know them.
When a professor from the Tippie College of Business is asked to share a tip with the students that will help them excel she says…
In Iowa Edge I made tons of friends!
Iowa Edge… has really given me an edge on college life! 😀
It is 11:38 pm on the last day of August. I am up going over notes and rereading material to prep for tomorrow’s big quiz. I am not cramming. I did some studying in the days previous to this one, however, I am freaking out a little bit. Just simply because I can’t remember who’s who and who is the god/goddess of what. Which, by the way, happens to be a problem in a Greek Mythology class. I do love this class and there is this little piece inside of me that is excited to see how my high school study habits to the tenth power work for my first quiz at collegiate level.
BTW Spanish is kicking my bootay! However, I also enjoy that class too! I guess you can say it is a love-hate relationship.
Wish Me Luck! 😀