Hancher Auditorium Employee As Well

Other than my job at the library I also work for Hancher Auditorium.

Today is a Sunday!

I woke up at 9:30, cooked myself some homemade french toast and got ready for the day. At 11:45 I met up with Erin (another Hancher Auditorium Employee) and we went to Cedar Rapids to go and pick up the comedian/performer/actor Tomás Kubínek from the airport.

He is quite the character and a very nice gentleman. From our brief conversations, I could tell that he was also very intelligent and had a different outlook on life than most people that I have encountered before. His story and passed adventures are very interesting.

He will be in Iowa City for approximately three weeks! For more information on his local performance with University of Iowa’s Orchestra go to http://www.hancher.uiowa.edu/events/tomas.html.

I am sure it is going to be worth watching!


If you see him around (in his brown coat!) stop and have a conversation-I am sure he’d enjoy it just as much as you will!

Breaking the Habit

Person to You : Talk to you Later, Have   a Good Day

You to Person: Will do, You too!

Peer to You: Good Luck on that Chem Final

You to Peer: Thanks, You Too.

Movie Theatre Employee to You: Enjoy the Movie

You to Movie Theatre Employee: Thanks You Too! Oh Wait… you won’t be watching the movie…you’ll be out here working… hmph!

Okay, so I know that was really generic. However I am a victim of getting into a habit: a habit of saying things, doing things, or not doing things.

This week I’ve decided to step back and take a look at all my many different habits. It is quite interesting the things that I am noticing.

I have a really horrible habit of  Getting on facebook first whenever I pop open my laptop. It is not even my homepage! For no reason at all, and without even thinking, my fingers type the web-page (something about a head and a novel) in to the URL box and BEHOLD I’m updating my status.

“Kyra wrote in her blog.”

Tisk Tisk.

Home Sweet Iowa City

I went home for the weekend. Wow, have I missed my family. It seems like my niece and nephew are growing up sooo fast! On the other hand, I have returned back to Iowa City just in time to go to work. At work I plan on getting a lot of my homework done. Right after work I am heading off to Iowa Andhi Practice! (Iowa Andhi- University of Iowa’s Bollywood dance team!)

Bible Study

I got invited to go to one of the many bible studies that occur on campus. The one I went to was at the Afro House ttp://imu.uiowa.edu/afro-american-cultural-center-2

Here is a previous recording of the Afro House. This recording took place during the open house! [youtubewd]OWG-xEDWqPs[/youtubewd]

I had a great time and met a bunch of people! Great way to interact!



When I was preparing to come to the University of Iowa, because of all the support that my church community was showing, I began to wonder where am I going to continue to learn more about Jesus? After a little bit of research I found many different options for different religions. I am christian and I actively take part in a bible study that I found to best fits my faith needs and schedule restrictions.

One less worry-Thanks U Of I

Iowa Shout

Homecoming: Iowa Shout

September 30
7:00 pm

IMU Main Lounge

What’s Iowa Shout?? Its an event where many different student organizations create and perform skits, songs, dances, or anything else (the sky is the limit) that presents their HAWKEYE SPIRIT!!!

This is a Must-See Home Coming event!!! Don’t Miss It!

p.s. …yours truly will be performing!

No Need To Be Afraid of the Boat!

I Live in Mayflower, and I have noticed a lot of misconceptions about the magnificent residence hall, even on campus.
Person: Where do you live?
Kyra: Mayflower
Person: All the way out there? That Sucks!
Kyra: Actually, no-not really.

I love Mayflower, besides being kind of out of the way and rare evening buses, the perks definitely outweigh those two “negatives”.

As mentioned above, I share a bathroom (toilet and shower) with only three other girls that I get to know very well-not a bunch of strangers. Late at night when I crave yummy baked goods- I can definitely get up and make some toll house cookies! On top of all that, Mayflower is huge. So many opportunities to meet a lot of really cool people!

Hooray For Mayflower!
I hear the other dorms are great too! 🙂