Category: General
Tomorrow is Valentines Day
Although common knowledge tells us that tomorrow is the big lovey dovey red and pink holiday itself.
I don’t have a valentine this year so I’m off to find something else to do on campus.
To Ma Te Time 🙂
SALSA!!!! Yesterday, John W Hofmeyer’s Ballroom Dancing put on a Valentine’s Day dance. Where beginners and higher level dancers alike can come together and have some fun this holiday season. 🙂
Tomorrow, Kappa Psi Chapter – Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is having a Women’s Appreciation/Roses at the Pentacrest event. Here is a quote from their facebook event invite “♥♥♥ LADIES ♥♥♥ LADIES ♥♥♥ LADIES ♥♥♥
The Men of the “Know It All” Kappa Psi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity want to do something for YOU! Valentine’s Day is not just a time for lovers, but a time for all.
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
We are going to be handing out 60 ROSES and Valentine candies to ladies who are walking past the corner of Clinton and Iowa (across from Phillips Hall and Iowa Book) from 12:20-1:00 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH!
From your friendly, neighborhood Sigma!”
Here is a link to this public event: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/event.php?eid=145482228846855
I know I will be there getting my rose! 🙂
Also the University of Iowa Dining offers Special Treats or Goodie-Packages if you will, and it is really cheap too!
I think I may just send someone I know a personal note with my Hawkeye treat; maybe flowers, cake, or cookies. The University’s Housing takes care of all the wrapping and delivering and baking! It’s perfect!
I can’t forget about the candlelight dinner Febraury 25th at Burge Market Place! 🙂
Lastly, checkout what Dictionary.com has to say about being a Valentine. 🙂
The Snow Show
Blizzard 2011, Say Hello To My Little Friend!
SNOW DAY!!!! 🙂
February 1st and 2nd were very remarkable days in the Midwest.
February 1st marked the Midwest Blizzard of 2011! There was snow everywhere. Classes got canceled if they began after 4:30.
February 2nd -Classes Canceled At University Of Iowa
So what exactly is there to do on a Snow Day in the world of Iowa City?
Well…in my case: eat, dance, do homework, and drink a lot of hot cocoa!
Everywhere I looked students we’re having massive snowball fights and sledding down every little hill imaginable. I received plenty text messages ask for my hand in snowboarding! I didn’t actually go snowboarding, but it sounded really cool. Lets just say that Snow and myself don’t actually get along. I dislike the cold with a passion. I grew up in Iowa, and I don’t like winter.
Some people find that to be a shocker. Especially in situations such as this:
Girl: Burr it looks cold outside.
Kyra: Ugh, yuckie!
Girl: You hate the cold too?
Kyra: Yea, I’m more of a sunshine-type of girl.
Girl: Me too, I’m from Miami, where are you from?
Kyra: Iowa.
Girl: Lol
I know it’s hard to believe…but I (an Iowan girl) am not a big fan of being in wintry winds. Luckily for me, and anyone else who feels the same(there’s more than just me-promise!), there is this thing called BONGO. It is truly a gift from my guardian angel.
Basically it uses gps to inform me how far away my desired bus is (in minutes) and it can notify me when my particular bus is an X amount of minutes away. You can get this information numerous ways, via text, internet, & smart phones. Ebongo.org is a good friend of mine, especially in weather like this!
On the other hand, Iowa City was really quick to get the roads clear and get school back in session the following day. Now the city looks so pretty, covered in a sparkling blanket of white crystals 🙂
I believe it is the first time in Iowa history that the hawks have won 3 consecutive bowl games in a row!
Suite Board Game Fun!
I just went to Walmart…and I bought a deck of Uno cards and the game Apples to Apples!
Can’t wait to bring them back to Iowa City and have a game night with none other than my awesome suite-mate and roommate!
I can smell the caffeine.
Okay, so it’s really not too bad… I just have a few select things in my life that I feel I have the right to complain about, and Iowa’s winters are one of them! I had just gotten done dancing around in my beginning Jazz class (REALLY FUN! TAKE IT!)
However, I see we need to have a class on proper attire for DECEMBER!
I saw two people today wearing the shortest shorts I ever saw and tons of people without coats!!!
tisk tisk
UGH! Technology!
I am having the worst…most horribleterriblistic computer issues…Thank God for 24 hour ITC’s!
Dorm… home away from home
It is thanksgiving break, and I am joying the spirit of the holidays. You know what I mean…the brightly colored houses in the night, the dark velvety material everywhere, cartoon Christmas stories parading the television screen, and cool to the coo-koo family members! 🙂
Gotta Love ‘Em!
However, every once in awhile I catch myself thinking…”I miss home”