“Finals Time”… The Bells are Ringing!!!

428 Elves
All we want for Christmas...is Great Grades!

Just another N.O.S night 🙂

Me and my new roomie and suitees are studying for our first Finals as University of Iowa Students! Talk about exciting!  This photo has soo much going on, we are studying (at like 3 am!), homemade cookies are in the oven (gotta love Mayflower), Christmas station’s playing on Pandora, all that’s missing is Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…. 😀

♪ ♫Its a quarter after 4 and Im Doing Spanish♪ ♫

I had poor time management going on today. So this is how I am paying for it… it is definitely four-something in the morning and I am studying for a Spanish Quiz for tomorrow. I studied once earlier today but didn’t have the materials to take notes- so here I am!

On top of that, my first class is at 8:30 tomorrow morning. 🙁