So the unbelievable truth is that I have been in the R.D. for quite some time, 1 month and 3 weeks to be exact, and I can openly say there are some things that I miss back home. I’m an Iowa girl; I like to drive along the highway with my radio up and my windows down looking at all the corn and enjoying the wind in my hair… that doesn’t translate well into the fume chocked Dominican traffic. In addition to fresh air, below is a list of just a few things I miss about home.
1.Family, Friends, and the Boyfriend
This one goes without saying. I have some very beautifully spirited people in my life, and the majority of them are not currently in the same country as myself.
“How can u not miss a face like that?”

By the way, my little princess turned 5 yesterday… Auntie Kyra Misses You!!!! I’m sorry I missed your big day, but I’ll be home soon to shower you with love and gifts!
2. Fresh Air
“Meanwhile in the DR…” after 3, one and a half hour trips a week, to and from my university, smooshed into an unairconditioned Guaguita* with 29 other people (that is 17 more people than the vehicle was manufactured to seat), in 90+ degree weather only to take a big breath of traffic fumes…
3. Hidden Treasures
Saving a late-night snack? Want a sip of the juice next to your bed? Haha, nope because they’re drinking it and crawlin’ over every inch of your glass; leaving their wittle footprints on the soft chocolate of your candy bar that you were saving for later. Got Snacks? The little ants WILL FIND THEM. #TryToSayThisInOneRantingBreath #StillMadAboutIt
4. Smelling Like Roses
Wanna know what really doesn’t go well together? Your Sweat, Someone else’s Sweat, Bug Spray, and Your Victoria Secret Perfume. I remember once upon a time when I didn’t have to wear deodorant every day, and when I wore a fragrance-splash and one hour later the pleasing scent was still there. #IStink #SoDoYou
5. TP
You are running to the bathroom with your thighs squeezed and your heart racing because after you had way too much Chinola juice you sat in a class for an hour and a half; where students are not permitted reentry after leaving to use the restroom. You get to the bathroom and relieve yourself. “Thank God!” whispers your bladder just after cursing your professor’s rules only to look to the north, east, south, and west and see no toilet paper. #NoToiletPaper #TooOften
6. Wi-Fi
7. Walking Wherever I Want After 7pm Without A Man Accompanying Me.
I’m not in Iowa anymore.

8. Fresh Chocolate Chip Baked Cookies
Since I’ve been here I’ve been craving them, and they are nowhere to be found! Además, in Spanish class back in the states I was always told that galletas meant cookies. However, the word galletas in the Dominican Republic has so many more meanings than just the sweet baked round bits of heaven that I love and miss so much.
Guá galleta – I’m going to smack you.
Galleta de soda– crackers
Galleta– cookie or any other little snack including garlic flavored puff balls
Galletas-any Little small bread-like snack
9. Walking to school without hearing 10+ Comments On My Appearance.
Every morning there are a few “regulars” and some randoms who feel the need to address me every morning. Most of the time I hear things like,
“Buenas Dias Bella” Good Morning Beautiful
“Buenas Preciosa” –Precious
“Hola Mi Amor.” –My Love
“Hola Mami” -_-
I guess the part that I like about it is the fact that I have almost never walked pass someone during the day that doesn’t acknowledge my presence. However, sometimes in my head I’m thinking… if you call me “mami”one more ‘gain…

10. Free Transportation
I have to pay to go to school everyday. I don’t have that many complaints about this because it is super cheap. Just realizing how nice it was to not worry about if you had the correct change in order to go to class back at Iowa. #Don’tAppreciateItUntilItsGone
Cambus, never thought I’d say this… te extraño.
Some other things that didn’t quite make the top ten.
- Water from the tap.
- A time when your professors didn’t announce your grade aloud in front of all your classmates
- Textbooks. (In the DR I have to look up everything online.