If there was a Multitask Queen, I would be giving her a run for her $$.
- Working on my mother’s Wedding Gift (She gets married this Saturday!)
- Writing my speech for the big event tomorrow (Procrastinator Queen’s $ is up for grabs too;) )
- Listening to a podcast about Indian Culture ( thinking about applying for a Fulbright)
- And actively putting off these last 4 papers I need to write tonight
To my friends and family I have asked for thoughts, prayers, cookies, etc… Now is a good time to be sending those positive vibes my way!
Highlight of the Day
Today was the last time the International Student Advisory Board would get together this year, and as outgoing UISG Diversity Liaison it was my last time meeting with the board as their adviser. Below is a pic of me and just some of the members. Thanks to both student governments we were able to have a nice dinner to celebrate their hard work and dedication. At the end of the dinner everyone had a moment to share what their vision for the University of Iowa was as it relates to international students. Everyone who shared really touched my heart.
One student said that his vision would be for domestic students who learn of someone’s international background would then respond with enthusiasm and honor to be in the presence of someone with international perspective, & ultimately to be interested in learning more about that person and said culture. Another student piggybacked off of that to say that his vision was that of the other side. In addition to the former he hopes that international students would lean in to engaging cross culturally and put forth the necessary effort in order to build friendships with Americans.
I don’t share those to say some of that is not already happening on campus (because it definitely is), but to share there are great minds and even more wonderfully-hearted people out there caring about all the right things, asking the big questions, and not shying away from finding ways to make visions like these- hopes for the people & student body as whole – a reality.
That type of thing helps me sleep at night (well on nights when I get sleep ;)) and wakes me up in the morning with purpose, hope, and happiness. I hope it can do the same for you.