Dorm… home away from home

It is thanksgiving break, and I am joying the spirit of the holidays. You know what I mean…the brightly colored houses in the night, the dark velvety material everywhere, cartoon Christmas stories parading the television screen, and cool to the coo-koo family members! 🙂
Gotta Love ‘Em!

However, every once in awhile I catch myself thinking…”I miss home”

Hancher Auditorium Employee As Well

Other than my job at the library I also work for Hancher Auditorium.

Today is a Sunday!

I woke up at 9:30, cooked myself some homemade french toast and got ready for the day. At 11:45 I met up with Erin (another Hancher Auditorium Employee) and we went to Cedar Rapids to go and pick up the comedian/performer/actor Tomás Kubínek from the airport.

He is quite the character and a very nice gentleman. From our brief conversations, I could tell that he was also very intelligent and had a different outlook on life than most people that I have encountered before. His story and passed adventures are very interesting.

He will be in Iowa City for approximately three weeks! For more information on his local performance with University of Iowa’s Orchestra go to

I am sure it is going to be worth watching!


If you see him around (in his brown coat!) stop and have a conversation-I am sure he’d enjoy it just as much as you will!


...we matched! 😀

I am currently on an amazing South Indian Fusion Bollywood Dance team called Iowa Andhi!

Andhi translates from Hindi to English as Storm.

After one of our practices, our coach encouraged us to attend the Garba, hosted by University of Iowa’s Indian Student Association.

I also received an invitation in my email. Sooo… me and a couple of friends decided to attend!

We had an Amazing Amazing Time!

"The Final Group"
After we all broke a sweat from dancing....

There was plenty of great Indian Music! 🙂

We finally got it!

I tried some Indian Food! 😀

Yum Yum ...Mango Lassi and Samosa
The ladies who went with me!

Did I mention it was a lot of fun?

-Im being theatrical...don't ask 🙂
Just having a good time

It took place in Currier Residential Hall in the MPR room. There was a teaching session(if you wanted to learn how to do the dance ahead of time) an hour and half before Garba actually started. Garba started at 10 and went until 1 in the morning!

We even saw some more of our friends there.

What is Garba?  Garba is a form of traditional Indian folk dance from India’s western state of Gujarat, conducted with dandiya sticks. This high-energy dance is traditionally celebrated at the end of the Navratri festival.  Garba is a great opportunity to actively engage in Indian culture and meet other people with similar interests.

Check out this video clip from the movie Pride and Prejudice. This clip is an example of Garba, and dancing with Dandiyas sticks, which is something we also learned how to do!

Oh, and everything was free!!!

Breaking the Habit

Person to You : Talk to you Later, Have   a Good Day

You to Person: Will do, You too!

Peer to You: Good Luck on that Chem Final

You to Peer: Thanks, You Too.

Movie Theatre Employee to You: Enjoy the Movie

You to Movie Theatre Employee: Thanks You Too! Oh Wait… you won’t be watching the movie…you’ll be out here working… hmph!

Okay, so I know that was really generic. However I am a victim of getting into a habit: a habit of saying things, doing things, or not doing things.

This week I’ve decided to step back and take a look at all my many different habits. It is quite interesting the things that I am noticing.

I have a really horrible habit of  Getting on facebook first whenever I pop open my laptop. It is not even my homepage! For no reason at all, and without even thinking, my fingers type the web-page (something about a head and a novel) in to the URL box and BEHOLD I’m updating my status.

“Kyra wrote in her blog.”

Tisk Tisk.

Home Sweet Iowa City

I went home for the weekend. Wow, have I missed my family. It seems like my niece and nephew are growing up sooo fast! On the other hand, I have returned back to Iowa City just in time to go to work. At work I plan on getting a lot of my homework done. Right after work I am heading off to Iowa Andhi Practice! (Iowa Andhi- University of Iowa’s Bollywood dance team!)